Frequently Asked Questions

How do I track my order?

You can track your order using the Track Orders page and via the order confirmation email you received. When an order is shipped, an email is sent to you with the tracking information.


How long will it take to receive my order?

Shipping times depend on your location, the shipping carrier, and the items in the order. Signed books are shipped via USPS within 5 business days. Unsigned books are printed on demand and shipped from BookVault. Merchandise is made on demand and shipped from several partner companies. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email notification with the tracking number.


Can I cancel my order?

EBooks and audiobooks are instant downloads and are not eligible for cancellation or refund.

Signed Books are personalized and shipped within 3 to 5 business days. If you purchase one by mistake, contact the store immediately. Once a book has been personalized, the order cannot be cancelled.

Orders for merchandise and unsigned books are automatically received and processed by our partner companies. They are normally fulfilled within 3 to 5 business days. If you cancel an order after it has been shipped, you will be required to pay a 15% cancellation fee plus shipping and handling.


Why do signed books cost more than unsigned books?

Signed books have to be ordered and shipped from the printer to us. When an order is received, the books are signed and shipped by us. We factor the print cost, cost to ship from the printer, and shipping supplies into the overall cost of the book.

Unsigned books are printed on demand by the printer as orders are received. The print company ships the books directly to the customer, which means a much lower cost per book.


How will I receive audiobooks or eBooks I order?

Audiobooks and eBooks are delivered via BookFunnel. Once your order is complete, you will receive an email from BookFunnel with a link to your book. If you do not see the email within five minutes, check your Spam folder. If you have technical questions about how to read or listen to your digital book, please contact BookFunnel support at help@bookfunnel.com.


What do I do if my package does not arrive?

If you received confirmation that your package has been shipped, you can track its progress using the Track Orders page. If tracking says your package has been delivered but you haven’t received it, please contact the shipping carrier. We are not responsible for packages that may be lost during transit.


Do you only ship in the US?

We ship within the US and internationally.


How must does shipping cost?

Shipping cost varies depending on the items in the order, the shipping carrier, and the destination. Shipping is calculated at checkout.